Andean Cloudforest Foundation Builds on Successes in Ecuador
The Andean Cloudforest Foundation was created in 2023 to support conservation successes at the Alto Coca Reserve since 2001 and other reserves in the Andes.
Support the Andean Cloudforest Foundation’s Efforts to Conserve Critical Habitat
Conserve Threatened
Andean Cloudforests
The Andean Cloudforest Foundation supports local foundations in Andean countries that conserve high-diversity and threatened habitats that provide wildlife corridors between protected areas, principally national parks.
The Andean Cloudforest Foundation supports local foundations in Andean countries that conserve high-diversity and threatened habitats that provide wildlife corridors between protected areas, principally national parks.
We are committed to identifying local partner foundations that are focused on the acquisition of cloud forest with good conservation opportunities and building on their successes. Linkages between existing reserves and parks threatened by development, quality of the habitat, and affordability of land purchase are principal requirements for our collaboration. The ACF maintains a philosophy of maximizing our support for actual land acquisitions, minimizing overhead, and expects our partner foundations to have a proven track record. Land with mature cloud forest is still reasonably priced in the foothills of the Andes compared to prices in other habitats, but that is changing as road access is improving. We are taking advantage of the current affordability opportunities.
Research and Education. The cloud forest is poorly studied compared to other habitats in the region, such as the lowland rainforest, so we provide grants to researchers, with an emphasis on young scientists early in their careers. We also support educational grants to in-need student groups and individuals for short visits to cloud forest reserves.
Our pilot project is the Alto Coca Reserve in Ecuador, which currently conserves over 1,200 hectares (3,000 acres) in the foothills of the Ecuadorian Andes. This reserve has created a partial biodiversity corridor between the Sumaco Napo-Galeras and Cayambe-Coca National Parks and seeks to double the size of the reserve by 2028 to consolidate this important corridor. This Ecuadorian foundation has successfully managed various threats to the reserve and surrounding area including hydroelectric development, oil pipelines, roads and general agricultural expansion; primarily through negotiation with stakeholders, but also through legal action when necessary. Land prices around the reserve are around $200 per acre which provide excellent valuations for long-term conservation investment. We are proud to be partnered with the Alto Coca Reserve. The ACF will identify other partners in Colombia, Peru and Bolivia that have demonstrated similar cloud forest conservation successes and provide financial support for appropriate land acquisition, research and education projects.
Mission Statement
Protect Andean Cloud Forest Fauna and Flora
Identify cloud forest regions that may be partially protected by national parks and reserves but need private efforts to create biodiversity corridors between protected areas to provide a buffer to threats on the edges.
Local Partners with Proven Track Records
Support local foundations that can demonstrate successful purchase and management of cloud forests with both robust management and financial sustainability plans, which include involvement of young scientists, researchers and other advocates.
Proven Land Aquisition Affordability
Identify cloud forest regions that may be partially protected by collaborating with local foundations that negotiate fair market prices for high-biodiversity valued cloud forest in low cost markets.
The Andean Cloud forest Habitat
Financially Support Andean Cloud forest Protection
The ACF provides financial support to local foundations to purchase and manage cloud forest in Andean region as well as to researchers and students engaged in research or education to preserve the Andean cloud forests.
Discover what the Andean Cloudforest Foundation has accomplished :
Land acquisition
In 2024-2025 at the Alto Coca Reserve, 4 properties, 500 acres.
Study groups
High school study groups at Alto Coca
Internships and research at Alto Coca
Andean Cloudforest Foundation Builds on Successes in Ecuador
The Andean Cloudforest Foundation was created in 2023 to support conservation successes at the Alto Coca Reserve since 2001 and other reserves in the Andes.
Support the Andean Cloudforest Foundation’s Efforts to Conserve Critical Habitat
Conserve Threatened Andean Cloud forests
The Andean Cloudforest Foundation supports local foundations in Andean countries that conserve high-diversity and threatened habitats that provide wildlife corridors between protected areas, principally national parks.
The Andean Cloudforest Foundation supports local foundations in Andean countries that conserve high-diversity and threatened habitats that provide wildlife corridors between protected areas, principally national parks.
We are committed to identifying local partner foundations that are focused on acquisition of cloudforest land with good conservation opportunities and help them build on their successes. Linkage between existing reserves and parks threatened by development, quality of the habitat, and affordability of land purchase are principal requirements for our collaboration. The ACF maintains a philosophy of maximizing our support for actual land acquisitions, minimizing overhead, and expect our local partner foundations to have a proven track record. Land with mature cloudforest is still reasonably priced in the foothills of the Andes compared to prices in other habitats, but that is changing as road access is improving. We are taking advantage of the current affordability opportunities.
The cloudforest is poorly studied compared to other habitats in the region, such as the lowland rainforest, so we provide grants to researchers, with an emphasis on young scientists early in their careers. We also support educational grants to in-need student groups and individuals for short visits to cloudforest reserves.
Our pilot project is the Alto Coca Reserve in Ecuador, which currently conserves over 1,200 hectares (3,000 acres) in the foothills of the Ecuadorian Andes. This reserve has partially created a biodiversity corridor between the Sumaco Napo-Galeras and Cayambe-Coca National Parks, and seeks to double the size of the reserve by 2028 to consolidate this important corridor. This Ecuadorian foundation has successfully managed various threats to the reserve and surrounding area including hydroelectric development, oil pipelines, roads and general agricultural expansion; primarily through negotiation with stakeholders, but also through legal action when necessary. Land prices around the reserve are around $200 per acre which provide excellent valuations for long-term conservation investment.
We are proud to be partnered with the Alto Coca Reserve. The ACF will identify other partners in Colombia, Peru and Bolivia that have demonstrated similar cloud forest conservation successes and provide financial support for appropriate land acquisition, research and education projects.
Mission Statement
Protect Andean Cloud Forest
Fauna and Flora
Identify cloud forest regions that may be partially protected by national parks and reserves but need private efforts to create biodiversity corridors between protected areas and provide a buffer to threats on the edges.
Local Partners with
Proven Track Records
Support local foundations that can demonstrate successful purchase and management of cloud forests with both robust management and financial sustainability plans, which include involvement of young scientists, researchers and other advocates.
Proven Land
Aquisition Affordability
Identify cloud forest regions that may be partially protected by collaborating with local foundations that negotiate fair market prices for high-biodiversity valued cloud forest in low cost markets.
Financially Support Andean Cloud forest Protection
The ACF provides financial support to local foundations to purchase and manage cloud forest in the Andean region as well as to researchers and students engaged in research or education to preserve the Andean cloud forests. Get involved!
See what the Andean Cloudforest Foundation has accomplished
Land acquisition
In 2024-2025 at the Alto Coca Reserve, 4 properties, 500 acres.
Study groups
High school study groups at Alto Coca
Internships and research at Alto Coca